$AUF 50%

ETH 50%



Price:$0 Volume:$0 Liquidity:$0 Released:0% Accrued:0 ETH



Balance:0 Max


Balance:0 Max
0 ETH = 0 $AUF ($0.00)
Fee 0 ETH
Price Impact 0.0%
Maximum Sold 0 ETH

LBP Details



Start Date


End date


Start Weight

$AUF 0%

ETH 0%

End Weight

$AUF 0%

ETH 0%


Current Balances

0 0% $AUF 0 0% ETH

Token Released

May 15, 2023 1:00 AM GMT+2



Swap fee


Owner rights

Create LBP

Close LBP Before It Starts

Close LBP After It Ends

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool?

Liquidity bootstrapping pools (LBPs) are a special AMM pool type pioneered by Balancer that can be understood as a modified dutch auction. LBPs use dynamic weighting of assets in pools to more easily distribute tokens to the broader community in a way seen as more fair than traditional IDO methods.

How does it work?

LBP's start at a high weight of the distributed token ('Token B') and a low weight of the acquired token ('Token A') with a pre-established price often set higher than what the market would deem fair. Over the course of the LBP, the price periodically changes depending on the buy and sell pressure of the distributed asset.

What is AURORA and what are the risks?

AURORA is a LBP platform for Arbitrum native token launches. There are inherent risks in participating in early-stage projects and nascent blockchain technology. Read more on our docs.

$AUF Launch

The Aurora Foundation is driven by a profound mission to reshape the landscape of decentralized finance through transparency, fairness, and community empowerment.

Our purpose is to serve as a catalyst for innovation, bridging the gap between visionary blockchain projects and dedicated supporters. By harnessing the power of Liquidity Bootstrapping Pools (LBPs), we aim to revolutionize the way projects launch, grow, and thrive in the ever-evolving world of decentralized finance.

Contract Address

- Text copy
Type Details Price Age Tx
Sell 40 240,000 0,061 18 hours ago
Buy 40 240,000 0,061 18 hours ago
Sell 40 240,000 0,061 18 hours ago
Buy 40 240,000 0,061 18 hours ago
Sell 40 240,000 0,061 18 hours ago
Buy 40 240,000 0,061 18 hours ago
Sell 40 240,000 0,061 18 hours ago
Buy 40 240,000 0,061 18 hours ago
Sell 40 240,000 0,061 18 hours ago
Buy 40 240,000 0,061 18 hours ago
Sell 40 240,000 0,061 18 hours ago
Buy 40 240,000 0,061 18 hours ago
Sell 40 240,000 0,061 18 hours ago
Buy 40 240,000 0,061 18 hours ago
Sell 40 240,000 0,061 18 hours ago
Buy 40 240,000 0,061 18 hours ago
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